Data Center

Cloud Light offers a broad range of MSA-compliant and fully customized fiber optic transceivers and active optical cables for intra-datacenter optical interconnect. Our technologies support data rates from 25G to 800G and reaches from 100m to 2km and beyond.



High Performance Computing and Enterprise Networking

Cloud Light offers low-power, low-latency, and high-performance, MSA-compliant fiber optic transceivers and active optical cables for high-performance computing and enterprise networking applications.  


PC & Consumer

Cloud Light’s automated manufacturing platform enables high volume production of customized embedded micro optical modules and active optical cables for cost sensitive consumer applications. Data rate ranges from 10 Gb/s to 200Gb/s.



Cloud Light’s laser-based optical finger gesture sensor is uniquely qualified for automotive applications. It opens up infinite possibilities for novel in-car infotainment interface design.